Daily Affirmations that Boost Good Luck


The importance of positive affirming self-talk ranks high on the list of behaviors embraced by some of the greatest winners and achievers of all time.

Why? Because when we speak, whether out loud to ourselves or to others, our subconscious mind listens. And that part of our mind that lies beneath the surface believes what we tell it, be it good or bad.

Your subconscious mind is a powerful governing force in your life. The good news is you have the power within you to train it and make it work for you rather than against you! This is a very import fact for us to understand, particularly if you’ve been the victim of negative reinforcements throughout your life.

These negative reinforcements might have been in the form of a misguided parent berating you time and time again that you “are worthless” or “will never amount to anything” or some other similar heartbreaking negative statement. Or it might be coming from friends, bosses, coworkers or even from a spouse.

Regardless the source, when you hear these negative statements over and over, and especially if you’ve made it a habit to repeat them to yourself, your subconscious mind accepts them as fact. Then, as sure the sun rises in the east, this negative conditioning becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy in your life.

So stop it!

Easier said than done?

Your power lies in first coming to the awareness, maybe in an “ah ha moment”, that your self-talk controls your subconscious mind, and your subconscious mind controls you. Then, it simply becomes a matter of making a daily, concerted effort to wash the bad out of your brain and replace it with an abundance to positive, uplifting things about you.

Fill your thoughts with what you want most for yourself and your loved ones… what you prefer to believe about your God-given talents and abilities… areas in your life where you wish you could excel and shine.

This is the first important step. It starts in your mind, then you make it an outward statement to yourself and to the entire universe by speaking it out loud with conviction!

What are you doing with this exercise? You’re moving a mountain of negative garbage that accumulated over the course of your life to reveal the wonderful and glorious you that was buried beneath.

But it takes some effort on your part. Not anything excruciating mind you. It just takes making a commitment to taking a few moments for yourself in the morning and evening to do the simple task of repeating out loud your positive affirmations. Your life will change for the better, and it was all you that did it!

I outline a simple yet powerful technique in my book, “The 5 Touchstones”. I’ll give it to you here…

First, affirm what you want. Then, support it with the why and the how (this is very important). For example, repeat to yourself, “I am committed to attracting good luck into my life, because I want financial freedom and a good life for my family. So I am committed to taking appropriate actions in my daily life that will make good luck my reality.”

Take a few moments once or twice a day to repeat to yourself these good affirmations, out loud in front of a mirror if possible. Do it every day for at least a month. Then, be prepared for the delightful surprise that good luck now just seems to follow you like a magnet.

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