The Top-5 Habits of Winners

5 Habits of Winners

We all love winning, right? Isn’t that what it’s all about?

And not just sweepstakes… As a self-declared “winner enthusiast”, I’m passionate about winning with everything in life. It’s what makes the difference between really living vs. simply existing and going through the motions.

I believe true success as a winner is measured not only by what it does for you as an individual, but also by what it does for your family and loved ones and every other life you touch in your daily life by being a winner.

I’m talking about being the type of winner that everyone wants to be around because their attitude and behavior is inspiring and contagious.

In this post, I list what I believe are the top-5 habits everyone should adopt and live by if they want to be seen by themselves and others as winners.

  1. Set clearly-defined goals

Winners know what they want and they go after it. They understand their purpose in life. They dream big dreams and set goals to attain those dreams. They have lifetime goals and aspirations. They set yearly goals, and they have 5-year goals.

And they set daily goals. When they wake up in the morning, they start down the list. Their actions for the day are driven by their goals, whether they wake up on the right side of the bed or not. They know that bringing their big dreams into reality depends on them being proactive with the tasks they choose to make a priority for that day.

When given a choice between taking actions that are tension relieving versus those that are goal achieving, they push themselves to choose the latter.

Setting goals starts with knowing your ultimate purpose in life as well as your big dreams. It begins with an articulation of the things you want most out of life for yourself and your loved ones.

Be a winner by letting your life be driven by goal achievement, and let your goals be defined by your ultimate purpose and the big, spectacular dreams you have for your life.

  1. Have positive expectations

Winners expect to win. And they expect that in advance when they embark on any endeavor, whether it’s a small daily achievement or the overarching purpose they set out to accomplish with their life.

Winners make decisions quickly because they know what they want. And they don’t waffle back and forth with their convictions once they’ve made up their mind. Winners don’t dare voice out loud or even think to themselves that they are engaged in any futile pursuit. That just isn’t how they roll.

Be a winner by acting deliberately with conviction, because you expect your efforts will produce the desired outcome, every time.

  1. Practice positive thinking

Winners understand that winning begins in the mind. It’s a mental game before it’s a physical game, always.

And if winning starts in the mental realm, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that negative thoughts spell death for any chance at victories.

It goes without saying you should not steep your thoughts with negativism if you want to be an influential winner that people enjoy being around. Negativism is a personality trait of complainers and blamers, not winners.

So, be a winner by feeding your brain a steady diet of positive thoughts. Make it a habit to shun negativity by crowding it out with uplifting, positive thoughts related to achieving goals, living out your dreams, and working toward your greater noble purpose in life.

  1. Move and shake

Winners are action takers. They don’t sit back and let life just happen to them. They are the driver. They get to work and get things done. And they influence others and get their help and cooperation through their actions, initiative and positive example.

They have a well-defined purpose in life, and they have a clear vision of their big dreams. That purpose and vision fills winners with enthusiasm and fuels their ambition to live a life that not only chases dreams… it empowers them to catch those dreams and make them reality.

Be a winner by getting off the sidelines in life. Get into the game! Drive the bus! You’ve heard all the cliches… so why not embrace them and see if they make a different for you? I’m telling you they will!

If you don’t take the initiative to direct your own goal-achieving actions in life, you fall into the plans of someone else by default. And what do others have planned for you? Usually, it isn’t much.

So get moving! Get those wheels rolling. If you want a better life for you and your loved ones… if you want to make a positive impact in this world… it’s up to you to make it happen.

  1. Persist and persevere

Once a winner gets started he doesn’t quit. The salesman that persists until he succeeds is the one that finds himself at the top. The prize fighter who gets up when he can’t becomes the champion.

Winners persist with their goal-related tasks in spite of difficulties and setbacks that would make the losers of the world quit and call it a day. They muscle through and overcome difficulties through sheer determination compelled by a clear vision of living out their dreams.

Simply put, winners persevere and keep going when others give up and quit.

They embrace failure as an integral part of the process that ultimately takes them to success. Winners know and understand they might fail 19 times but score a huge, life-changing victory on the twentieth iteration. They find the stamina and fortitude to keep digging for those diamonds knowing that at any moment they might only be inches away from the prize.

Okay, those are my five. Becoming and being a winner is a process, a lifelong journey to mastery. I hope I’ve given you something here you can use to better yourself for the sake of you and your loved ones.

Keep looking up at your dreams, and never lose sight of your noble purpose in life, whatever you decide that is for you.